to make art
not war

i like art. a lot.
Thursday, 29 December 20115:15 pm
dino lino bino tino shino dino
for lack of a better phrase... 

dino lino bino tino shino dino. 

[insert whatever you want to call it] - A4, tinted charcoal.

Dinosaurs may be extinct from the face of the planet, 
but they are alive and well in our imaginations.
Steve Miller

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4:54 pm
Let Go
The past month of absence has been spent enjoying the holidays! So I sort of neglected this blog (oops) but well I'm back and I've been drawing quite a bit! 

Almost 25% done! 

For the black lines I used my normal ZIG markers. But I ran out of ZIGs, so I frantically went to a shop nearby to buy more. You won't believe how many black markers I run through!

Couldn't find any so I bought a different kind! It's a Japanese brand called TOMBO, and their markers are pretty good. I have a calligraphy pen from TOMBO - it's pretty good!

My only problem with the PlayColor 2 (the TOMBO marker I got) is that the ink gets all funky and turns yellow behind the page, like so.

Yellow stuff = TOMBO. Black stuff = ZIG.


Let Go (Black Marker, A4)

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Thursday, 1 December 20115:46 pm
Empowered (A4, Black marker)

Women really do rule the world. They just haven't figured it out yet. When they do, and they will, we're all in big big trouble. 

Doctor Leon

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